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User alerts

Verified extension
Type Module
Version 1.2
Last modified
March 05, 2022
Elxis 5.3+
Downloads 274
Size 14.54 kb

User alerts

User alerts 1.2

Ioannis Sannos
Display unread messages, reminders and action buttons for logged-in users
Last modified March 05, 2022 20:54


Module User Alerts displays alerts for unread personal messages, reminders and user action buttons for logged-in users. If you disable the display of the buttons (default setting) the module displays nothing if there is no message/reminder for the user. The optional buttons are: Bookmarks, Reminders, Bookmark current page, Add reminder and Add note. We recommend you to publish it in a template position horizontal oriented above main content so alerts to be directly visible to the users. Also dont display the module title so the module to be fully transparent if there are no alerts to display.
Requires Elxis 4.5 or newer!. Since version 1.1 it is compatible with Elxis 5.x. ATTENTION version 1.2 requires Elxis 5.3 rev2442 or newer! If you have an older Elxis either update or use version 1.1.
